Food is any material consumed in order to provide nutrition to an organisms. The types of food are categorized according to the physiological functions they perform and the nutrient substances they contain. Generally, food is generally of animal, plant or fungi origin, and has key nutrients, including proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, or minerals, in the form required by the organism to function normally. Plants have a wide variety of food types, including those with a chemical structure designed to prevent them from decay or decomposing and those which are Digestive.

Every living cell needs some food to perform most of its metabolic processes, but it is only in sufficient quantities that the cell can grow and perform other functions. Since life on earth has required abundant supply of food for millions of years, it is surprising that modern man discovers so little food nowadays. Today we eat food that is difficult to digest, is sweetened with high levels of artificial chemicals, and is full of fat, salt, sugar and other harmful additives. How did we get so poor food that we have started looking for ways to get more nutrition from our food?

One of the major causes is industrialization. The rise of industrialization meant that people were able to eat more food per person. People began eating more animal products, especially meat and dairy products since they could be processed easily. This made animal products rich in calories and protein, making it easier to meet energy requirements. Other foods became more high in calorie content, including wheat products and sugar which were more affordable than meat. In addition, farmers started using chemicals to make foods more digestible, thereby replacing natural nutrients in food with synthetic chemicals.

The other reason for the deterioration of our food chain is the excessive use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers on both food crops and human food sources. These chemical fertilizers increase the demand for meat, dairy products and animal products, resulting in over consumption of the said food items. The result was that we had less food to sell compared to the usual. Likewise, when there was less meat, plant products were used for the production of meat and dairy products as well as other types of food. This, in turn, led to a reduction of plant nutrients, particularly vitamin D, leading to the imbalance of calcium and magnesium levels in the body.

How do we reverse this dangerous trend? First, we need to start eating more whole plants, particularly vegetables and fruits. Vitamin D is synthesized in the body through exposure to sunlight. Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants, another element needed to reverse the effects of aging. Whole foods, especially those rich in antioxidants, are good for us because they lower the risk of developing heart diseases, cancer, diabetes, obesity and osteoporosis.

We can make sure that we eat more whole plants by choosing foods that are free from chemical additives, especially those that use unnatural processes such as spraying with pesticides. Organic products are the best choice, as they are free from additives. Other good choices include those made with fish emulsion instead of butter or lard, those made without hydrolyzed fats or vegetable oil and those with whole grains. You can even choose to make a healthy snack of popcorn, for goodness sakes!
